Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Sunday, March 11, 2018
1:00pm to 4:00pm at
Village Yoga
70 Industry Rd, A-1 Marstons Mills, MA
This gentle process of what feels like a guided meditation reveals deeper meaning about ourselves our lives and the multi-dimensional worlds we reside in. Allow the healing sound of the crystal bowls and crystal stones to strengthen our awareness to the Infinite in deep relaxation while naturally releasing tensions in the body. Come with an open mind and a playful heart!
Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Saturday, February 3, 2018
1:00pm to 4:00pm at
Visions & Dreams
2482 Newport Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA
Learn about yourself, increase your vibration, and awaken your subtle energy bodies as you take a journey through the cosmos that will leave you feeling more aligned with your Inner Guidance. This workshop binds the power and intiention with increased awareness of the Subconscious and the Self. Participants usually experience continued AHA moments guidance (downloads) in the days that follow. An awakened and openhearted you is the result. Most Importantly, come and have fun!
Ana Zick brings her lighthearted approach to her private practice on Cape Cod, and to the many workshops she teaches. Ana is a licensed psychotherapist, holistic counselor, crystal healer, and metaphysical practitioner, working with Arcturian and Archangel Vibrations. She has been practicing Quantum Healing Hypnosis since she trained with Dolores Cannon in 2006.